PokerStars is the largest poker site in the world, offering massive volume in cash games and tournaments and action at almost any game and limit 24 hours a day. It sets the standard in the industry as far as tournaments go, with an unmatched selection and sit-and-gos at all stakes starting up virtually every second.
Their customer service and security is exceptional and their game selection can't be beat.
If you're looking for a downside, though, it's probably the inconsistent competition. Because of the huge player base, the opposition can range from super soft at one table to unbelievably aggressive just the next table over. Lower limits and tournaments are still flush with bad players but there are literally thousands of strong players trolling PokerStars daily looking to make a living, so expect some tough competition scattered throughout your games.
In addition to explaining how their random number generator functions on their website, PokerStars security measures have also been independently verified by the outside consulting firms of Cigital and BMM International. Their software is frequently updated with new security updates to keep the site as safe as possible. The site also has a very strict collusion policy and promises to investigate any and all customer complaints regarding suspicious play.
It's worth noting that PokerStars has one of the best loyalty programs in the world and players who achieve the coveted Supernova status get free entry into $1 million tournaments, insane frequent player point multipliers and various cash bonuses. Everything about the PokerStars loyalty program is world-class including the frequent player point store, which is the biggest in the poker industry.
Poker Stars stability and speed has been the standard in the industry. Many other rooms have improved greatly, but Star's software was good when everyone else's wasn't. You'll enjoy the reliability and ease of use.
Their customer service and security is exceptional and their game selection can't be beat.
If you're looking for a downside, though, it's probably the inconsistent competition. Because of the huge player base, the opposition can range from super soft at one table to unbelievably aggressive just the next table over. Lower limits and tournaments are still flush with bad players but there are literally thousands of strong players trolling PokerStars daily looking to make a living, so expect some tough competition scattered throughout your games.
In addition to explaining how their random number generator functions on their website, PokerStars security measures have also been independently verified by the outside consulting firms of Cigital and BMM International. Their software is frequently updated with new security updates to keep the site as safe as possible. The site also has a very strict collusion policy and promises to investigate any and all customer complaints regarding suspicious play.
It's worth noting that PokerStars has one of the best loyalty programs in the world and players who achieve the coveted Supernova status get free entry into $1 million tournaments, insane frequent player point multipliers and various cash bonuses. Everything about the PokerStars loyalty program is world-class including the frequent player point store, which is the biggest in the poker industry.
Poker Stars stability and speed has been the standard in the industry. Many other rooms have improved greatly, but Star's software was good when everyone else's wasn't. You'll enjoy the reliability and ease of use.

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