quarta-feira, 30 de dezembro de 2009
Chat Acronyms - General Poker
GG - Good game.
HH - Hand history.
HU - Heads-up.
LD - Lay down.
CB - Continuation bet.
CK - Check.
CR - Check raise.
FE - Fold equity.
LRR - Limp reraise.
NC - Nice card.
NH - Nice hand.
VNH - Very nice hand.
NLD - Nice laydown.
NP - Nice play.
PFR - Pre-flop raise.
POF - Post-flop.
SD - Showdown.
STR8 - Straight.
ZZZZ - Going to sleep because a player is taking so much time.
terça-feira, 29 de dezembro de 2009
domingo, 27 de dezembro de 2009
sábado, 26 de dezembro de 2009
Odds and Pot odds
With all types of poker odds are very important, without a firm understanding of them you have little chance of making any money.
In Holdem half of it is deciding which hands to fold pre flop,which to raise and which to call. What hands exactly depends on a number of factors including the number of players and the tightness of the table.
Pot odds is the chance you have of winning combined with the profit if successful and loss if not successful. The idea is to call/raise if you are getting "pot odds"
For instance, if the call is $5 with the pot at $50 with your chance of winning at 25% it makes good sense to call, you probably wont win this time(75%chance of loss) but in the long run you will be up (One hundred pots the same as this you will lose your $5 seventy five times -$375 but win the $50 the other twenty five times +$1250; making a huge $875 in the long run). Because there are bets every stage of the game you need to make these pot odd decisions every time- the difficult part is working out your expected change of winning. Its not as hard as it seams and with a little help and practice you will get the hang of it.
Good Luck.
Play Online Poker
sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2009
Things to have in mind....
1. Pay attention to the table at all times
Pay attention to what’s going on at the table even when you’re not playing hands. If you’re playing multiple tables at a time, this is difficult but not impossible. Arrange and resize the tables on your monitor(s) so that they are tiled and you can see all tables at all times. Whenever there’s a showdown, check the hand histories. Take notes on your opponents. Basically, stay alert at the tables.
2. Save your hand histories
Save your hand histories and review the hands that gave you the most trouble. Take a look at the big pots you played in your last session and analyze you and your opponents’ play on each street. Find a poker forum and post these hand histories for discussion with other poker players.
3. Stay up to date with poker strategy
Nobody will ever know everything there is to know about poker. That’s just fine with me, because it means there’s no limit to the pure knowledge you can acquire during your poker career. Read poker strategy books, check out strategy websites / poker forums and watch the top high stakes players in action. You don’t need to be the best player in the world; you only need to be better than the people at your table.
quarta-feira, 23 de dezembro de 2009
terça-feira, 22 de dezembro de 2009
Great Poker Books
Here some good ones:
Ace On The River - Barry Greenstein
Caro's Book of Poker Tells - Mike+Caro
David. Sklansky Theory.of.poker
David Sklansky - The Eight Mistakes In Poker
Doyle Brunson's Super System - A Course In Power Poker By Doyle Brunson
Doyle brunson's super system (poker)
Harrington on Hold em Vol I
Harrington on Hold em Vol II
Internet Texas Hold'em Winning Strategies from an Internet Pro - Matthew Hilger
Lee Jones Winning low limit holdem
Online No-Limit Texas Hold'em Poker for Beginners - August Omeara
Phil Gordon's Little Green Book - Phil Gordon
Poker for Dummies
Poker Math MadeEasy
Ryan Fee - 2p2NL 6max
Texas Holdem Brain
Texas Holdem Short Handed
Total Poker Pro
Secrets of Winning
If you want, i can lend you one of these books. Just contact me to aboutholdempoker@hotmail.com
Play Online Poker
domingo, 20 de dezembro de 2009
quinta-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2009
PKR - 3D Poker
PKR has drawn some criticism for not being friendly to hardcore multi-table taskmasters and my response to that is usually, “So what?” As I always stress to new players, you need to examine your priorities before choosing an online poker site. If you don’t need to tile 4 tables around your screen and play 300 hands per hour but do value things like visual experience, realism, and creating a customizable character, PKR should be one of your top considerations.
The avatars are fully customizable and you choose every aspect including voice, facial features, hair style, clothes, shoes, hats, sunglasses, football shirts, tattoos, body piercing, headphones and so much more. You can also use your PKR points to purchase bonus clothing and accessories.
At the table you can use the Emote Control system to cry, clap and express other emotions and as you play and gain points you can also learn chip tricks. No matter what experience you have with your poker game, PKR can help with their Beginners, Intermediate and Advanced poker school. They will offer you tips and in-depth analysis of the game at each level so you can hopefully take your game even higher.
PKR poker offers a fantastic first time deposit bonus. Just pick one of the bonuses below and you will be sure that you are receiving the biggest PKR bonus on the market today.
quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2009
segunda-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2009
What is a Proposition Player
If you want to be one, or just check the offer the casinos are making, just press here and follow the procedures
sábado, 5 de dezembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 2 de dezembro de 2009
segunda-feira, 30 de novembro de 2009
Whats a Nit ?
Play Online Poker
sexta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 25 de novembro de 2009
Being Focused - by Full Tilt Pro Huckleberry Seed

In the world of Full Tilt Poker avatars there are no bad hair days.
Not the type of thought I want to be having at an FTOPS final table. I want my mind absorbing and processing just the right information the best it can to put my creative mind in position to "play Mozart" to the ears of my opponents who I deem capable of appreciating it. I want to be focused. In the moment. In the flow of the game. In the "Zone".
A great way to enhance one’s ability to focus in my opinion is fasting. On a 15 minute break early in a 500 player field NLH tournament at Foxwoods several years back, I walked to the food court, in a conversation with an old school player from my table. I procured a calorie laden sandwich. "Want anything?" I asked. "A hungry dog hunts best" the wise old man replied. I took the saying to heart. I didn't eat the sandwich or anything else the rest of the tournament. I played very well, especially near the end (it was a one day tournament that lasted 22 hours) and won the tournament.
David Williams didn't need a wise old poker player to teach him the value of fasting for poker focus – he figured it out on his own. I was not surprised after his tournament successes to hear him tell me that he would eat nothing during his tournaments and just drink a bit of tomato juice here and there throughout the tournament to ensure his brain was getting sufficient glucose to function at its best.
Yoga and meditation can also be great ways to clear your mind and get you ready to focus on the game. Weeding through a yoga class that was just starting on our way out of the gym after a hoops session, we decided to jump in. We then headed to the casino and after that night’s poker session, my friend Joe said he had never played with such clear-minded focus, and accredited that to yoga. David Hayden, a Seven-Card Stud poker pro, swears by yoga to improve your poker game, golf game and most aspects of your life.
Dan Harrington attributes much of his ability to stay focused down the stretch of a poker tournament to his competitive chess career before he became a poker player. A competitive chess match can be quite long, six or even eight hours sometimes. In chess, one mistake can cost you the game, just as in NLH where one mistake can cost you your whole stack.
If the mental toughness Dan developed that kept him from making blunders in chess was transferred over to poker, your skills and mental focus developed at other endeavors may too. Try to be aware of any mental focus related skills you have and see how they relate to poker. Perhaps you’re just not too mentally tough yet. If something bad happens at the poker table you usually crumple immediately, and after an hour or two your mind always starts to wander. Maybe you need to try standing on your head for an hour while staring at a dot on the wall (I did it for a bet once).
As for meditation, I was first introduced to the world of Zen Buddhism by well rounded intellectual Howard Lederer. I really think practicing various forms of meditation will greatly help your ability to focus at the poker table. After experimenting a bit with various forms of meditation you could try to make poker your form of meditation! Personally, I enjoy the writing of Vietnamese Buddhist monk poet and teacher Thich Nhat Hanh, as well as contemporary spiritual teacher Eckhart Tolle (author of the bestseller "The Power of Now") and I would like to thank them for improving the quality of my life as well as the focus of my poker game.
I think simple desire and motivation go hand in hand with focus. Young players who have a strong desire to win or compete or improve their game are super focused without realizing it and probably don’t know what it means to be unfocused. It just comes naturally when you want it badly enough.
Well let’s leave it at that before I say "focus" more times than Alan Iverson can say "talkin’ about practice". I hope my writing has lead you on the path to be more focused in your poker and in so doing find that place deep in the flow of the game where plays that amaze are made and the joy of the game is found.
You can Learn more about this game at the academy. Just register
sexta-feira, 20 de novembro de 2009
What is Rakeback ??
Online poker rooms make their money by automatically taking a cut of the players stake money, this is called the "rake". Typically the rake is 5% of every pot, you will often see it being taken and stacked at the top of the table during a game. Playing a few hundred hands a month soon accumulates a large amount of rake, and you could be paying tens of thousands of $$$ a year in rake.
Start claiming your RAKE money BACK, press the banner below.
sexta-feira, 13 de novembro de 2009
quarta-feira, 11 de novembro de 2009
Call cheap for the nuts
Good Luck
terça-feira, 10 de novembro de 2009
Playing Fifth Street in Seven-Card Stud - By Keith Sexton

Fifth Street is the big decision point in Seven-Card Stud because that’s the critical juncture in the hand when you have to put in your first big bet. While it’s nice to have a made hand at this point, you don’t always need one to put in a raise on Fifth Street. If you have a big draw, that can be enough to warrant raising your opponent. Some players don’t think like this, and I believe that’s a costly mistake.
Here’s an example of a situation where I believe raising with a draw is the correct play. Let’s say your opponent is showing an Ace, and you have a 7 of diamonds up and a 6 and 7 of spades in the hole, giving you a pair of 7s. You and your opponent are the only players involved in the hand, and he opens with a raise. You call.
On the turn your opponent catches an offsuit Jack and bets. You catch the 9 of spades. You have a pretty nice hand at this point. Not only do you have a pair of 7s, but you also have three cards to a flush and three cards to a straight so there are a lot of cards you can catch that will give you a big draw. You definitely want to call in this spot.
On Fifth Street your opponent catches a 6 so now he has an Ace, Jack, and 6 showing. You catch the deuce of spades, which is a very interesting card. You now have a pair of 7s and four spades to a flush, but your opponent is unaware of how strong you are because one of your 7s and two of your spades are hidden.
Your opponent leads out with a bet once again. Now here’s the question. Should you simply call or should you raise? Even if your opponent has two Aces, I would prefer to have two 7s and four spades in this situation so you should be aggressive and put in a raise. You should do this for a couple of reasons. First, even if he does have a pair of Aces, you’re still the favorite. You are about a 58 percent favorite to win the hand so you’re getting the best of it right now.
The other reason you should raise is that it will get you a free card if you fail to hit your draw. Let’s say you go ahead and raise on Fifth Street, and your opponent calls. Since he called your raise, you can be pretty certain he has a pair that can beat your 7s. Then on Sixth Street he catches a 4 and you catch the 3 of diamonds, a card that doesn’t help your hand at all.
If your opponent is a weak player, he is probably going to check it to you because he’s going to be scared of that raise you put in on Fifth Street. If he does in fact check, then you succeeded in accomplishing exactly what you set out to do. You got extra money into the pot on Fifth Street when you had the best of it, and now that you missed your draw and don’t have the best of it anymore you’re happy to get a free card. Now you have one more shot at drawing out on him.
This is a clear example of why it pays to be aggressive on Fifth Street in Seven-Card Stud. Some players would just call in this situation, but I think that’s a big mistake. Being aggressive and sticking in a raise has two clear advantages over simply calling. It will get more money into the pot those times you do make your hand, and it will get you a free card those times you don’t. The bottom line is that you need to be aggressive when playing Seven-Card Stud because it’s the aggressive player who usually wins.
You can Learn more about this game at the academy. Just register
segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009
sexta-feira, 30 de outubro de 2009
terça-feira, 20 de outubro de 2009
quinta-feira, 15 de outubro de 2009
Absolute Poker
Absolute Poker Deposits:
VISA, MasterCard, NETeller, Pasafecard, Moneybookers, InstaCash, transferência bancaria, American Express, Western Union, Ucash, Instadebit, MG
Absolute Poker Withdrawns:
NETeller, InstaDebit, Click2pay, Moneybookers, transferência bancaria
Absolute Poker Suppor:t
- E-mail: YES
- Phone: NO
- Live Chat: NO
Traffic at Absolute Poker (Peak Times)
- No Limit: 1.600
- Limit: 1.800
- Tornaments: 9.000
- Others: 300
- Total: 12.300
Absolute Poker Games
- Texas Hold'em No Limit
- Fixed Limit
- Pot Limit
- Seven Card Stud
- Seven Card Stud Hi/Lo
- Omaha High
- Omaha Hi/Lo
- Heads up tournaments
domingo, 11 de outubro de 2009
sexta-feira, 9 de outubro de 2009
terça-feira, 6 de outubro de 2009
The Importance of Keeping Records by Full Tilt Pro Kristy Gazes

It’s not a sexy subject, but we all know how vital bankroll management is to your poker career. A great way to help out with managing your roll is to keep records of your play.
Accurate records not only help you keep track of how you’re doing, they also allow you to analyze your game and keep you honest with yourself. We all like to believe that we’re winning players, but that’s not always the case.
Here are a few key categories/stats to keep track of every time you play:
•Overall bankroll (so you never play over your head in games that are too big)
•How long you played
•What game/limit you played
•How much you made (how many big blinds or big bets won per hour)
Keeping records of these basic elements really helps put your game in perspective. Personally, I like to dive in even deeper, so I keep track of my emotions as I play. How you feel when you play and what frame of mind you’re in are vital to the outcome of your session – don’t ignore these factors.
Keep track of things like when you get tired and how long into a session you are when you start to get tired. When you play bad or below your standards and make mistakes with your play, note when they happened and what factors contributed to these mistakes. Whether you admit it or not, poker is a game of emotion; it literally pays to keep track of yours – and hopefully keep them in check.
Keep these records on a daily basis and go back through them each month to analyze your play. Be honest with yourself about what you see. You’re looking for patterns: I lost again while playing this game at this limit for this many hours; I lost again when I played for an hour too long or I won more than normal when I played a shorter session.
If you notice a pattern and see that you’re losing at one particular game or limit, ask yourself: “What am I doing wrong here?” The truth hurts sometimes, but don’t let your ego get in the way of becoming a winning player. When the records show that you’re not doing well, it’s time to move down to a lower limit, reassess your game and start over again.
Seeing these records laid out in front of you allows you to be honest about yourself as a poker player. The numbers never lie, and that’s why it’s so important to keep accurate records of your play.
You can Learn more about this game at the academy. Just register
domingo, 4 de outubro de 2009
domingo, 20 de setembro de 2009
segunda-feira, 14 de setembro de 2009
Keep in mind that this cannot be considered slowrolling if there is another player to act after him. Then it is called "hollywooding" and is acceptable if you are trying to keep a third player in the pot.
Play Online Poker
quinta-feira, 10 de setembro de 2009
segunda-feira, 7 de setembro de 2009
Belly Buster
A Double Bellybuster in when you have two inside straight draws. For example, if you are holding a T9 and the board is K Q 7 6.
Play Online Poker
quarta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2009
Pot committed
If you have invested half of your stack in the pot and another player puts you all-in, then you will get pot odds of at least 3:1, meaning you need only to win 25% of the time to break even.
BUT If you are certain that you are beat, it is never correct to call the river.
Play Online Poker
terça-feira, 1 de setembro de 2009
domingo, 30 de agosto de 2009
quinta-feira, 27 de agosto de 2009
Full Tilt
Play Online Poker
Full Tilt Poker Deposit:
VISA, MasterCard, NETeller, Moneybookers, Click2Pay, ClickandBuy, Paysafecard, Transferência Bancária, eMoney
Full Tilt Poker Withdrawn:
NETeller, Moneybookers, Click2Pay, ClickandBuy, Transferência Bancária, eMoney
Full Tilt Poker Support:
- E-mail: YES
- Phone: NO
- Live Chat: NO
Traffic at Full Tilt Poker (at Peak Times)
- NL: 6.500
- Limit : 2.400
- Tornaments: 70.000
- Others: 1.600
- Total: 80.500
Full Tilt Poker Games:
- Texas Hold'em
- Omaha Hi
- Omaha Hi-Lo
- Seven-Card Stud Hi
- Seven-Card Stud Hi-Lo e Razz
Play Online Poker
terça-feira, 25 de agosto de 2009
A bad run is a sequence of losing hands.
Play Online Poker
quinta-feira, 20 de agosto de 2009
Crying Call
In some other situations a player makes this call because he is a bad poker player or just need to see the other cards to make sure he's beat. This is frequently a donation made to the opposing player.
Play Online Poker
sábado, 15 de agosto de 2009
Cold Deck
But now, the term is also used when the deck is stacked against a player so that he loses all his money over a long period of time.
The term is also applied to describe a round of play in which more strong hands than usual are dealt to a lot of players.
segunda-feira, 10 de agosto de 2009
Aggression is a Key Factor
The aggressive player is the one who bets and raises often. He has the initiative most of the time and determines the flow of the table, controling it.
If people suspect they’re up against a strong hand, they tend to play a more straightforward game. If they think they’re up against a strong hand, they obviously don’t want to bluff and they don’t want to play weak hands. In the end, they fold all of their weak hands and only continue if they have a strong hand. That’s oversimplifying it a bit, but the basic idea is sound - aggression makes it harder to play tricky against you.
So, by playing an aggressive game you give yourself some major advantages over the competition. Not only are you obtaining more money in with strong hands but you’re also charging people to draw and making them more likely to pay off your strong hands. On top of all those advantages, you’re making your opponents play a more predictable game against you.
quarta-feira, 5 de agosto de 2009
Playing "Over Your Head"
If you are protecting your money, other players will read that in your play. If you are afraid to call a big bet because you might be wrong and not doing the bets you would normally call or (re)raise. Afraid to protect your hand, hands you would normally protect... You are playing "Over your Head"
"Help" your Bankroll so be careful that you choose the right stakes.
sábado, 1 de agosto de 2009
Winner's Tilt
Another form of tilt is Winner's Tilt. You may think, "How can you tilt when you're winning??". Look at this situation - You are on fire and playing well. You're getting hands and they are hitting hard. Next thing you know you're up 100BBs and life is beautiful. Then winner's tilt comes into play - but the scary thing about winner's tilt is that you don't even notice it! You find yourself playing marginal hands and pushing even the thinnest of edges because in your mind you' are thinking that you can afford to make that call. You are running hot anyways, right?. So if you don't hit (don't worry, you were behind the whole time anyways...), your stack starts to diminish. But it doesn't intimidate you! You're still having a winning session, right?
No, by making these poor decisions and losing these "small" pots you’re basically burning money. Getting a deep stack should allow you some different moves in your game, but not to somehow rationalize making bad decisions. It is time to stop....
segunda-feira, 27 de julho de 2009
Practicing Pot Control
Strength of your hand vs. the range of your opponent’s hand: This is more of a decision call based on past experience, reads on the opponent, texture of the board and betting patterns. There is a lot to consider when trying to guess the strength of your hand vs. the range of the opponent.
Stack sizes: As a general rule the range of hands with which you are willing to showdown with all the chips in the middle should be wider with a 25BB stack than with a 100BB stack. This means you should be much more disposed to put a 25BB stack all in with top pair top kicker (TPTK) than you would with a 100BB stack.
Style of the opponent: If you have TPTK against a chaser (who doesn’t look at odds to call), you will want to bet the hand very aggressively and let him pay you off. If you have top pair top kicker against an aggressive player who has a wide range that you can’t read, you will want to practice pot control to keep the pot small. If you have top pair against a calling station, you will be frequently on the right place to make bigger bets on the flop, turn and river. With top pair against a rock (Very tight player) you still usually want to avoid a situation where you end up with all of your chips in the middle of the table.
terça-feira, 21 de julho de 2009
Pot Control 2
Forgot to mention... Use pot control only when the board is dry. It would be unwise to not protect your hand. So if your hand is exposed to draws you must continue aggressive play. Do not allow draws to get in cheap!
There is no need to exercise pot control all the time.
segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009
Pot Control
Pot control is the art of manipulating the size of the pot based on the relative strength of your hand. “Relative strength of your hand” refers to how strong your hand is in comparison to the likely range of hands of your opponent.
Pot control is one of the most important skills for no-limit players to have profit. By keeping the pot the appropriate size, it becomes much easier to avoid mistakes. Pot control both keeps you out of trouble and gets as much value for your hand as possible.
Play Online Poker
terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009
Best regards
PS: If you are managing a short stack strategy, please ignore this advice.
Play Online Poker
sexta-feira, 10 de julho de 2009
Slowplaying Big Hands
Slowplay is a term for playing a strong hand passively to keep the opposition in the game, to give the impression of a weaker hand and give the opportunity to your opponents to improve their hand giving them false hopes of winning. However when you slowplay then you risk giving an opponent the chance to catch up and overtake you.
If the board is showing “dangerous” cards for your opponent. For example three cards to a ♦ flush, and you have hit the diamonds flush, then it may be better to slowplay as your opponents will be scared off quite rapidly. If you have the nut flush (an Ace♦ on your hole cards or a K♦ with the Ace♦ on the board) it may be the right thing to give a free card hoping that your opponent is holding one card (like a Q♦) to the flush and catches up a bit on the next card.
On the contrary, if the board is showing frightening cards for you - then take the pot down there (don’t wait to end this hand as another “bad beat story”). So if there is two cards to a flush or a straight chance which would beat your good hand, then make your opponents pay to see another card and make them play against the odds if they are on a draw.
Be carefull slowplaying versus multiple players. If there is more than one opponent in the pot with you, try to restrict the field down with a bet. With more than one opponent in the pot there is more chance one of them will catch up.
Best Regards
terça-feira, 7 de julho de 2009
Safety on Online Poker
Good Luck.
domingo, 5 de julho de 2009
For example:
First hand someone raises to 0.30 and you don’t fold your K6 off.
Second hand and you complete the SB with your 43 suited.
Third hand and you raise 0.30 from the button with Q7 off.
Let’s imagine you don't hit anything special on these 3 flops and have to fold.
Fourth hand you hit a full house while your opponent makes a flush. Probably, all you chips (money) will go to the middle and you will get called. So, you could have won more 0,55$ on this hand.(0,7 (that you spent on the previous 3 hands) - 0,15$(BB+SB)= 0,55$) and you didn't because you wasted them with previous trash hands. 0,55$ may seem peanuts but it is 5,5 BBs !
Folding is a tactical action which keeps our chips (or money) alive to fight for the next battle (hand). This next battle, if the cards are right, can be the winning hand, and we will win more because we saved our stack for these moments. Folding is a part of the control and discipline we must have in poker.
quinta-feira, 2 de julho de 2009
Ultimate Bet
UltimateBet Deposits:
VISA, MasterCard, Citadel, FirePay, Neteller, Moneybookers
UltimateBet Withdrawns:
NETeller, InstaDebit, Click2pay, Moneybookers, tranferência bancária
UltimateBet Support:
- E-mail: YES
- Phone: NO
- Live Chat: NO
UltimateBet Traffic (Peak Times)
- No Limit: 1.600
- Limit: 1.800
- Torneios: 9.000
- Outros: 300
- Total: 12.300
UltimateBet Games:
- Texas Hold'em
- Omaha
- Omaha 8/b
- 7 Card Stud
- 7 Card Stud 8/b
- Crazy Pineapple
- Crazy Pineapple 8/b
- Double Flop Hold'em
- Triple Draw
- Kill games.
terça-feira, 30 de junho de 2009
A squeeze is a bluff made pre-flop in the form of a large raise after there has already been one raise and at least one caller. After one player raises and at least one other player cold calls, a heavy re-raise is made: it is called a squeeze.
The idea behind this move is that the open raiser will find himself squeezed between you and the cold callers not knowing how they will react. The remaining players will rarely have a hand strong enough to call with. Your attack to the dead money in the pot will frequently be successful.
Note that you need to have a strong tight table image and it makes no sense to make this move if the opposition is very loose or the initial raising player only raises a few hands, so that he will rarely fold them.
sexta-feira, 26 de junho de 2009
Poker Bluff
What about this one ? Was it so scary ????
We didnt saw the first part of the hand to know if Phil's actions could make us thinking he had pocket kings.....So....
Best regards
quinta-feira, 25 de junho de 2009
sábado, 20 de junho de 2009
Donk Bet
A typical situation for a donkbet is when a player calls a raise in the first round and then bets into the raiser in the next round.
Donkbets started to be dumb moves by inexperienced players but know can also be deceptive maneouvers made to trick an opponent since they are often viewed as weak play. They are also used as blockbets. This means that a small bet is made to keep the opponent from making a large one that could put us out of the hand.
This can also be called a bet out of nowhere.
segunda-feira, 15 de junho de 2009
Rebuy MTT
If you won't rebuy, play freezeouts. You must take the right attitude towards R&A MTTs, and that means being willing to rebuy some times if you are playing well and just getting unlucky.
BUT, rebuys should not be always taken. An unskilled player should not rebuy. He doubles his buy-in but does not double his chances of finishing ITM (in the money). On the other hand, the more skill a player has, the more often he should rebuy. The more chips the player has accumulated the less often he should add-on.
Always rebuying and adding on can be a mistake. Most of the time, rebuying and adding on is a good move for the skilled, well bankrolled player.
That's only my opinion, of course....
sábado, 13 de junho de 2009
quarta-feira, 10 de junho de 2009
Reason to raise pre-flop
1º Gain position for the rest of the hand
Acting last in a hand on all post-flop streets is an advantage that’s worth your investment. By Raising, you may put out the late position players and, this way, gain position on the hand.
2º Make opponents play more predictably
Poker is all about the deductive course of determining what hole cards your opponent is most likely to hold. When you just limp, you lower the risk of your opponents to enter the hand. By raising it becomes more difficult for most opponents to disguise their hands.
3º Build pots
The larger pots get, the more likely bad opponents are to make mistakes, especially if they’re already committed to the pot.
4º Narrow the field
There are certainly situations where you prefer to play multi-way pots, but the general rule is that the fewer opponents you have, the greater the chance that you are going to win the pot.
5º Frustrate opponents
When you raise preflop, you opponents will have to fold some hands that they would have played if they were allowed to limp. Eventually, most players will get annoyed and try to go over you (but this time you could have the nuts (or close to it)).
6º Take the initiative
In heads up pots, your opponents miss the flop more than they hit. The same is true for you. Whoever takes the lead in the betting pre-flop is likely to win the pot where neither player flops anything. Raising pre-flop creates the presumption that you have something, and when your opponent misses (or flops weak), it dramatically increases the chance that you’ll be able to win the pot with a bet on the flop.
It is this sort of thinking on "raising" that stops your aggression from being pointless and instead develops it into a tool for increasing both your control over the game and your wining rate.
7º For value
Raise strong hands because you make money when people call with worse.
8º To isolate
When a fish limps in, you can often get it heads up with the fish, and outplay them after the flop even when you dont have a good hand.
9º To steal the blinds
Blind stealing is immediately profitable and should be attempted a lot of the time you get the opportunity.
segunda-feira, 8 de junho de 2009
How to get over a bad beat
Be mentally strong, don't lose discipline...Think you just took this horrible beat, but your wife (girlfriend) and/or kids are far more important than this money will ever be (specially if your are using a proper Bankroll management).
The next time you are the victim of a bad beat, try and look at it in the way that you got your opponent to do exactly what you wanted them to do. They made a big mistake, you were way ahead, and they won the pot. That is very likely a positive EV play that you’ve executed perfectly, and even though you did not win it this time, you have actually won.
If you are going to be a successful poker player, things like this cannot affect you. The mentality that “sh** happens” and that you just don’t care about money have to come into play.
domingo, 7 de junho de 2009
Please Behave
Poker is not only winning with Aces Kings or AKs. Poker is winning when you have the best hand (even if it is with King High). I don't know what happened before this hand but Phil was way out of line (as mike say on the video).
sexta-feira, 5 de junho de 2009
Playing Pocket Aces
Well, the hand that everybody is dreaming with. But how should we play it ?
In my particular opinion, I always raise (I limp 5% of the time with them). I don't want too many people in a pot. Raising preserves my edge. When you slow play pocket aces, you let bad hands see the flop cheap. Getting money into the pot by raising with our bullets is a likely way of making the pot big. If you don't put money into the pot, then you're not building it.
Dan Harrington's advice on poker strategy in Harrington on Hold'em is aimed at tournament play, but looking at his opinion on pocket aces pre-flop is worthwhile for cash games too. Harrington suggests that if you are playing online and no one has entered the pot yet, you should always raise with AA pre-flop. His opinion is that slow playing aces is a way to prevent players from getting a read on you, and players online don't meet up often enough for that to matter. He suggests that in real tournaments you should raise with these hands, in this situation, 80% of the time and just limp in 20% of the time.
Harrington says that going all-in pre-flop with AA should be a rare move, since you do want to win some money, not just the blinds. All in bets dissuade action. The only time you might make this move is if you were at an active table where you had already seen some all in bets get called, and even then, you wouldn't make this move a lot.
In late position, Harrington suggests not raising more than 3 times the big blind with your AA. You want to look like you are trying to steal the big blind. I think if you have had some action before you, like a raise and a re-raise, going all in pre-flop is a good move though.
In early position, Doyle Brunson Super System suggests limping in with AA. He also says that if he is in middle position, and no one else has come in, he will play it the same way. In late position he will raise with them, hoping that someone will re-raise him and he can put them all-in. If other players have come in or bet, then he raises with AA or KK.
In Hellmuth's book “Play Poker Like the Pros”, he gives different advice to players with different levels of experience. His advice to beginners is to go all in pre-flop with AA, KK, QQ, or AK. He does discuss trying to trap other players with pocket aces, but he also points out that it is a risky move that might result in a lot of frustration.
I don’t agree that pushing all in every time you have pocket aces is the best strategy pre-flop. I think it will discourage action and leave you winning some very small pots.
The consensus seems to be that raising with pocket aces is a good strategy, but slow playing them sometimes makes sense too (but timing is important in this situation).
quarta-feira, 3 de junho de 2009
Reasons to Play Limit
If you have just arrived to the poker World, your skill may not be the best. So, why not try to start learning by playing limit holdem ?
There are some advantages in playing limit hold'em:
1- You will lose only one more big bet, not 50 or 100, when your opponent makes his hand on the river.
2- If you get caught bluffing, it won't cost you a big part of stack. It's still only one bet.
3- It is a lot easier to put your opponent on a hand by observing his betting patterns.
4- It allows bad players to keep making the same mistakes, providing you more profitability.
5- You can run bad for a year and still have money to play. In No limit hold'em, you could be broke in a week.
Give it a try...
terça-feira, 2 de junho de 2009
Aggression Factor
There's an important subtlelty to understand regarding AF vis-a-vis someone's looseness. A rock who only sees the flop 15% of the time and folds the flop 50% of the time may produce an AF of 3.0 by merely betting legitimate hands. Because they are so tight, they nearly always have a pair or high cards when they come in. Consequently, the 3.0 AF doesn't actually suggest excessive agression. The mere fact that they're on one of the few hands they didn't fold tells you they are holding strong cards; StraighforwardPlay will lead to a lot of bets and raises.
Generally speaking, an AF below 0.75 is to be considered passive; many poor online players have an AF's of 0.75 or lower. An AF over 1.5 is considered aggressive.
Someone with a very low AF who bets or raises is very likely to have the strength they represent. You must respect their bet when deciding how to play your hand.
Someone with a very high AF is likely to be bluffing or semi-bluffing much of the time. You may call or raise back more.
But you must take into consideration that someone who sees the flop 70% of the time and who has a 1.3, or 1.4 AF is incredibly aggressive. Someone seeing almost every flop can't possibly be catching their cards that often!!! So a high AF tells you they must be bluffing and semi-bluffing, over and over again.
What about your case…..
Most good players suggest that a good player's AF will tend to be above 2.0 and some advise even 3.0. The best advice I can give you is that once your aggression is over 1.5, do not try to to raise it merely for the sake of raising your AF. You either need to add aggression at the right times, or to reduce your bad calls. If your problem is calling too much, adding reckless aggression will not solve your calling problem! If you study when to avoid bad calls, and study when to add appropriate aggression, your AF will rise and so will your profitability. If you just bet all the time, your AF will raise, that’s a fact, but your variance will explode and the results may be disastrous!
sábado, 30 de maio de 2009
Becoming a Poker Pro
Some people would like to classify poker as a sport. However, if you’re not careful, poker can take a charge on your body and your mind. And if you’re not completely fit mentally or physically, there’s no way you can survive very long as a successful poker player. The first thing you need to play any game for a living is patience. Playing every day, all day, can get extremely tiring. Staring at a computer screen for hours on end can drive you insane. Do yourself a favour. Don’t wake up and run immediately to your PC. Start to brush your teeth, shave (if you have to), take a shower, and eat breakfast. Start your day by taking care of yourself, and you’ll find yourself better able to make it through a poker day. As I just mentioned, you will probably spend at least eight hours a day, five days a week in front of a computer screen with little or no company.
Forget the image of being a poker star and appearing at Poker TV shows. Few professional players will ever get to do this on a regular basis. The life of the anonymous internet pro is quite monotonous. That’s why a passion for the game is imperative.
Table Selection:
Unless you live in Vegas or have access to regular, lucrative games, the most realistic path for becoming a poker pro is through internet play. Good table selection is far harder when playing live because you would need to go to different casinos to see which has the best game that night and this is time consuming. You have to join the waiting list and hope the bad players are still there if and when you get a seat. Compare that with all the advantages of the online game and the internet is the clear choice. You can use software with pattern recognition, session stats and hand analysis (like Protracker) and you can always multi-table which is a huge edge because it allows players to increase their hourly rate.
Bankroll Management:
Without bankroll you can’t have a professional attitude and without that attitude there is no professional poker player.
Some months you'll actually experience a loss in total earnings. You must be able to cope with this and still have the confidence you need to win. You'll encounter some horrible runs along the way so be prepared.
Read my posts (or the ones made by Capital7) about this vital factor in a Poker Carer.
1. Stop playing ! Take a few days off to regain serenity, analyse your game and look for leaks.
2. Drop way down the levels and get back to playing aggressive, confident poker without the worry of losing 3 our 4 buy-ins.
While you are on tilt, you are not a professional poker player. You are a professional gambler and a donator to the game. If you’re going to take a break, make it a real break. Distance yourself completely from poker. The more well-balanced your life is, the better your poker experience and results will be.
Don’t take premature conclusions on your results. If you are in profit after 25,000 hands you are probably doing okay. If you are in profit after around 250,000 hands you are beating the game.
You can’t endure in online poker over the long run if you don’t put your physical and mental health at risk. Take care of yourself first, be disciplined and well-organized, tracking all your activity, and you will give your poker a chance to pursue!
I hope this post hasn't discouraged you if you have ideas of playing professionally. If you think you can do it, you will have to buy every book and read everything you can to become a winning player.
quinta-feira, 28 de maio de 2009
Humberto's moment
What about Humberto Brenes Song at the table ?
Do you consider rude to make this kind of celebration after hitting your straight ?
Waiting your comments...
A Winning Hand Poker Room Review
Their management team has been running a Malta based online casino for the last 18 months, so they know their way around the industry, and as part of the Boss network you are part of one of the largest and best Poker networks, with lots of tables, and from the moment you step into A-Winning-Hand.com you are treated like a VIP. They have a fantastic bonus and they offer 100% Security and Privacy.
quarta-feira, 27 de maio de 2009
Play Online Poker
terça-feira, 26 de maio de 2009
World Biggest Online Poker Room
Their customer service and security is exceptional and their game selection can't be beat.
If you're looking for a downside, though, it's probably the inconsistent competition. Because of the huge player base, the opposition can range from super soft at one table to unbelievably aggressive just the next table over. Lower limits and tournaments are still flush with bad players but there are literally thousands of strong players trolling PokerStars daily looking to make a living, so expect some tough competition scattered throughout your games.
In addition to explaining how their random number generator functions on their website, PokerStars security measures have also been independently verified by the outside consulting firms of Cigital and BMM International. Their software is frequently updated with new security updates to keep the site as safe as possible. The site also has a very strict collusion policy and promises to investigate any and all customer complaints regarding suspicious play.
It's worth noting that PokerStars has one of the best loyalty programs in the world and players who achieve the coveted Supernova status get free entry into $1 million tournaments, insane frequent player point multipliers and various cash bonuses. Everything about the PokerStars loyalty program is world-class including the frequent player point store, which is the biggest in the poker industry.
Poker Stars stability and speed has been the standard in the industry. Many other rooms have improved greatly, but Star's software was good when everyone else's wasn't. You'll enjoy the reliability and ease of use.
quinta-feira, 21 de maio de 2009
Free Money to Play online
People often ask themselves how can someone give away $150 to every user and still be a profitable company?
The answer is simple; every online poker player pays a "rake" whenever he places a wager in poker games, this rake is set and is similar amongst the different poker rooms across the internet. As the site connecting between the players and the poker room, we receive a percentage of our players' paid rake.
Poker rooms do not charge poker professor players any additional charges - on the contrary - our players are eligible to all the other poker room promotions on top of our free bankroll gift! Because of the strength of our educational material we believe that the average person applying our strategy material will become a winning player with our bankroll only. And while our winning players earn money themselves, we make up for our initial investment.
Our incentive is to make our players as strong and as profitable as possible. And we share this with you, our player: lets work together and make a strong poker player out of you!
Register at this link and see you at the tables!!
quarta-feira, 20 de maio de 2009
Playing Shorthanded Tables
It is better to play Full ring or shorthanded? There advantages and disadvantages in both options. Let’s see the advantages of shorthanded tables:
First of all, there are more bad players (fishes). The higher the limit you play, the fewer full ring tables are available. Shorthanded tables catch the attention of bad players and I think is it probably due to the faster and looser game that is normally played at these tables.
Also your win rate can increase as you are more often involved in a hand against these bad players and also since you are loosen up your own game.
Finally you are playing more hands per hour with the same amount of tables for the simple reason that six players finish a hand faster than ten players. As a result, your hourly win rate will increase.
Variance is higher in shorthanded games. So I recommend a more conservative bankroll management.
But be careful, this doesn't mean that you have reached a goldmine. You must play your best poker and don't believe in easy money...
segunda-feira, 18 de maio de 2009
sábado, 16 de maio de 2009
sexta-feira, 15 de maio de 2009
quinta-feira, 14 de maio de 2009
sexta-feira, 1 de maio de 2009
WSOP 2009
63,513 players are expected to participate in the 2009 World Series of Poker (up from 58,809 last year). These numbers seem pretty optimistic, given the current state of the global economy. As a matter of fact, the entire guide is littered with some pretty optimistic projections.
The projection for the main event is 7,323 entrants, which would considerably higher than the 6,844 entrants seen in last year's main event.
Most of the events that were around last year are expected to have more players - only a couple are expected to have less than last year.
Interesting is the rule about "Logos". No more than 3 players at a televised final or feature table can don the same sponsor logo. Very strange rule...
Good luck to all players...
sábado, 25 de abril de 2009
Emotions in Poker
Please don't get too emotional or personal. I know it can be hard but try and keep a level head every hand, don’t try to get revenge on a player who might have got lucky against you. Keep cool claim and collective, people will get lucky against you every day. emotion has no place in a good poker player..
Stay cool....
segunda-feira, 20 de abril de 2009
terça-feira, 14 de abril de 2009
sexta-feira, 10 de abril de 2009
Play the player not the cards...
Take your notes and play the player not the cards...
domingo, 5 de abril de 2009
50,000 player accounts can't be wrong !
Visit http://www.rakebacknation.com/?id=bestdeal Over 50,000 player accounts can't be wrong !!
quarta-feira, 1 de abril de 2009
Hilarious moment
Just an hilarious moment.... Don't act like this guy. If you are.... please stop and return another day...
quarta-feira, 25 de março de 2009
Disconnect protection (DC protection)
This function varies in each poker room. Usually, there is a limit to the number of times this will work for a given player. Regularly it is not available in tournaments; the disconnected player's cards are folded and he loses the bets he has made until that moment.
Such disconnect protection abuse is seen as cheating by some poker rooms and these limitations are to prevent abuse of this feature (specially used by maniacs), since a player could just disconnect his machine if the bets become too high but he does not want to fold.
sexta-feira, 20 de março de 2009
Preventing Tilt
Some days, you lose a big hand and start to play bad because you want to win the money back, or just because you are so irritated about it. The best thing to do when you feel yourself going on tilt is to just walk away... Go hang out with your friends, play with your kids, watch a movie with your wife, or do something else you like for a some hours, or days if necessary. Then, when you have a clear head and are focused, come on back and build that bankroll again.
Summing up, if you feel you are not playing your best poker. STOP !!! Is the best decision you can adopt.
sábado, 14 de março de 2009
Please dont
Don't get married to a hand. Make sure you don’t over play a hand which started well but got worse as the board progressed. The must common is high pocket pairs where people will not fold, regardless of the board. Do play them and do bet hard but make sure you have the discipline to fold if they go wrong- don’t throw good money after bad.
sábado, 7 de março de 2009
Free money to play online
People often ask themselves how can someone give away $150 to every user and still be a profitable company?
The answer is simple; every online poker player pays a "rake" whenever he places a wager in poker games, this rake is set and is similar amongst the different poker rooms across the internet. As the site connecting between the players and the poker room, we receive a percentage of our players' paid rake.
Poker rooms do not charge poker professor players any additional charges - on the contrary - our players are eligible to all the other poker room promotions on top of our free bankroll gift! Because of the strength of our educational material we believe that the average person applying our strategy material will become a winning player with our bankroll only. And while our winning players earn money themselves, we make up for our initial investment.
Our incentive is to make our players as strong and as profitable as possible. And we share this with you, our player: lets work together and make a strong poker player out of you!
quinta-feira, 5 de março de 2009
In poker, you have to have discipline, be patient, take the right opportunities, be aggressive but not crazy or maniac, know when to take a chance, know when to bluff, and know when you're beat.
For example, a major leak for most poker players is their starting hand requirements. They get anxious to play, so they take chances and play hands that they know they shouldn't. This shows a lack of self-control and patience.
If you play how you know you can and should play, you're going to minimize the draws that your opponents will make by making them pay to do it.
If you don't consistently have discipline and patience at the poker table, you're not going to be a winning poker player in the long run.
Good luck
Play Online Poker
quarta-feira, 4 de março de 2009
terça-feira, 3 de março de 2009
Expected Value (EV)
In order to calculate expected value, you take every possible outcome, multiply each by the odds of that outcome happening, and then adding those numbers altogether.
Example: Suppose you made a bet with me on a coin flip. If it is heads, I give you $5. If it is tails, you give me $1. Should you take this bet, assuming that the coin is a normal one and has a fifty-fifty chance of landing on heads or tails? Of course you should. This is a very good EV situation.
There is a 50% chance of it landing on heads, meaning you will win $5. So, your expected win is $2,5 (0.50*$5). If it lands on tails, you lose $1. So, your expected loss is $0.50 (0.50*$1). Your expected profit is the expected win minus the expected loss. Thus, your expected profit is $4.50. Isn't that great!!!!
In the long run, you will win, even if the coin lands tails the first 20 times in a row, in the long run, it will land 50% of the time heads and you will have profit!!!
segunda-feira, 2 de março de 2009
Taking advantage of your table image
When faced with aggression, do they slow down and wait for a hand, trying to trap you, or do they play back at you? When you are playing tight do they try and run you over? Do they get out of your way when you're betting? If you are playing loose-aggressive, which is becoming the usual style in online play, you, more than ever, need to pay attention to your table image.
You should be able to move from playing ultra-aggressive to ultra-tight when the situation dictates. If you are going to be playing the loose-aggressive approach, you have to be able change it when necessary...
sábado, 28 de fevereiro de 2009
quarta-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2009
sexta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2009
sexta-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2009
How can someone give away free money?
People often ask themselves how can someone give away $150 to every user and still be a profitable company?
The answer is simple; every online poker player pays a "rake" whenever he places a wager in poker games, this rake is set and is similar amongst the different poker rooms across the internet. As the site connecting between the players and the poker room, we receive a percentage of our players' paid rake.
Poker rooms do not charge poker professor players any additional charges - on the contrary - our players are eligible to all the other poker room promotions on top of our free bankroll gift! Because of the strength of our educational material we believe that the average person applying our strategy material will become a winning player with our bankroll only. And while our winning players earn money themselves, we make up for our initial investment.
Our incentive is to make our players as strong and as profitable as possible. And we share this with you, our player: lets work together and make a strong poker player out of you!
quinta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2009
My Titan Poker video lesson
Watch my "Titan Poker video Lesson".
You can learn also to win money on online poker... not just the bonus offered.
quarta-feira, 4 de fevereiro de 2009
100% Safety
Once registered with Moneybookers, all you need is your email address and password to make payments. You can send money worldwide to anyone with an email address – even if the recipient does not have a Moneybookers account yet. Register all your credit/debit cards and bank details with Moneybookers and use them to pay at over 20 000 online shops. This means that you don’t need to provide them each time you want to purchase goods and services online. Moneybookers provides a localised service with 12 supported languages and domestic payment options in over 30 countries. All your transactions can be found in the history section of your account which can be accessed at any time. This data can be exported to an excel file if you want to have a digital copy of your Moneybookers transactions. Moneybookers provides additional services such as sending SMS and faxes. Our online Messaging Centre reduces unnecessary emails and enables our Customer Service Department to deal with your queries more efficiently.
domingo, 1 de fevereiro de 2009
High Stakes Poker Season 5
Many of the players will be familiar to those who have followed the show in previous seasons. The first night’s action featured Eli Elezra, Barry Greenstein, Doyle Brunson, Daniel Negreanu, and David Benyamine. Added in this season are two Internet legends, Tom “durrr” Dwan and Illari “Zigmund” Sahamies plus the reigning World Series of Poker Main Event champion, Peter Eastgate.
Here is the first hand:
sábado, 31 de janeiro de 2009
Playing poker without depositing money
This website is Investing on new players, you can register on the below banner link and follow the instructions that are similar as the previous website. Yyou will be offered money to play at Red Kings Poker. This website has more promotions but only at some poker rooms you can get free money without making a deposit.
Click this banner and register...
sexta-feira, 30 de janeiro de 2009
ROI - Return on Investment
Every time a player puts up money to enter a tournament, he is making an investment on it. ROI is the percentage of profit a player makes per tournament. The money he makes, subtracted from the primary investment, is the profit. ROI can be calculated by taking the total profit and dividing it by the total amount paid to enter all tournaments played.
A ROI of 7% would be considered good. A ROI of 10% or more would be great. Usually, a players ROI decreases as he goes to higher stakes. In higher stakes, a ROI of 4% would be considered good and 7% or above would be considered stupendous.
quinta-feira, 29 de janeiro de 2009
People often ask themselves how can someone give away $150 to every user and still be a profitable company?
The answer is simple; every online poker player pays a "rake" whenever he places a wager in poker games, this rake is set and is similar amongst the different poker rooms across the internet. As the site connecting between the players and the poker room, we receive a percentage of our players' paid rake.
Poker rooms do not charge poker professor players any additional charges - on the contrary - our players are eligible to all the other poker room promotions on top of our free bankroll gift!
Because of the strength of our educational material we believe that the average person applying our strategy material will become a winning player with our bankroll only. And while our winning players earn money themselves, we make up for our initial investment.
Our incentive is to make our players as strong and as profitable as possible.
And we share this with you, our player: lets work together and make a strong poker player out of you!